티스토리 뷰

Subject to the 6th bangsongga Lee Se-dol 9, SBS talk show recently conducted a recording has appeared as a guest on "Lee Dong Wook's torque and wanted." The last four days began broadcasting "Lee Dong Wook has wanted to talk to the 'actor Lee Dong Wook are attracted interest as a talk show, the first thing his name. Lee Dong Wook and actor share a close and caused the home theater with the syndrome 'bogeyman' opened fire on a brilliantly after the first guest. Following the share was recorded recently finished starring two alternatives Party lawmaker Park Ji-won, and involved difficult to see Lee Se-dol 9, this guest entertainers in defense again Liaison force. In particular, Lee Se-dol 9 is a retired

According, Lee Se-dol has nine colleges domestic events superpower Monarch 'handol' artificial intelligence (AI) is promoted. 2016 has lost four losses, expand the monarch artificial intelligence program, Alpha and Google's deep mind and "superpower of the century, one win. This one wins remains the only victory against humanity geodun alpha choices. NHN Entertainment has developed its own handol fought win both the domestic top Go Articles and powers such as last December and January budding stand, Park Jeong-hwan, Kim Ji-Seok, Lee Dong-hoon, sinminjun 9 this year. //// AlphaGo

Whether handolyi bug I'll cause ,,, not difficult won the Lee Se-dol. After all, a good man feeling winning the ai. Heh blah ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ Lee Se-dol The two points I laid two'm over 80 pro Lee Se-dol yigindago blah ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ AI of silly mistakes .... Lee Se-dol 9, handol won 'bulgyeseung' [Seoul = WIRE] has put the gobeomjun reporter Lee Se-dol = 9 to 18 pm Gangnam body Yangjaecheon Friends Dogok tower opened in 2019 Friend Brain body massage ship 'handol vs Lee Se-dol' giant stones in retirement. Handol the domestic artificial intelligence (AI)

Lee Se-dol This AI emulates the handol and Monarch skills .jpg [Lee Se-dol VS handol] notice 'AI won the Lee Se-dol retired powers of genius! " Solo Lee Soo-geun, talk-show guests scramble ... "Lee Dong Wook has wanted to talk to the 'starring Lee Se-dol vs handol dimensional fix 21,000 people monarch boneyo .jpg vs Lee Se-dol handol I caught bulgyeseung the giant Lee Se-dol retired handol !!! 2 gukseo bulgyepae the 'human' Lee Se-dol, Monarch AI 'handol ... 21 days three countries handol final showdown vs Lee Se-dol (Korean Baduk ai) Lee Se-dol, holding Victory handol Lee Se-dol 9, the last superpower opponent Monarch AI 'handol' [alone] Lee Soo-geun, a talk show guest sorties ... "Lee Dong Wook has wanted to talk to the 'starring Lee Se-dol ... today cut the defeat Lee Se-dol

When I wrote autobiographical look at the (...) When you get stressed, go to the game room that peers articles and Street Fighter II. Was also named an interview, "I will go to the extent that fun arcade similar thing with peers in high school" Street Fighter "and another that has fun too Tekken series since. View original Lee Se-dol 9 and lightning appeared in the performing arts.

While handolyi L is a giant two countries 'choice'. 3 Devonian bonus to all handol gives seven home half. Usually go handicaps is no bonus. The reason that the bonus has gotta artificial intelligence to give a bonus seven and a half point according to Chinese rule unconditional catch the black. Handol is Monarch AI NHN launched in December 2017. Last December, January advanced domestic top Go Articles 5 people this year (Kim Ji-Seok, Lee Dong-hoon, Park Jeong-hwan, a budding stand-sinminjun 9) won both the powers of the. In August, the bar has a proven ability ohreumyeo top three in the "CITIC 2019 jeunggwonbae the world of artificial intelligence (AI) Go tournament held in China, Shandong Province Science and Technology come Sharjah Cultural Center. The powers of the Lee Se-dol

Lee Se-dol two points from the previous day to go handicaps geodun bulgyeseung as "Han God" did yieogaji the unyielding monarch fit in the 'Route' (互 先) confrontation. Lee Se-dol is 19 days was bulgyepae 122 can only handol from "Friends body Brain Massage tummy handol vs Lee Se-dol 'three-dimensional fix Devonian two countries held in Seoul, Gangnam-gu, Body headquarters Friends Dogok. Lee Se-dol was to win the two countries Monarch 2 points the previous day held one station to start line. Go to Line is proficient people, such matdaegyeol. The skills that the country ai daughter than in the United States Lena Lee Se-dol is now ahead. Lee Se-dol is currently the Korean Baduk ai handolyi power. Lee Se-dol Lee Se-dol handol cut holding bulgyeseung

The size varies, it is revealed that the difference between the skills eventually Players with naked. Summary: 1. Lee Se-dol next month should fix artificial intelligence and dimensions. (To see Dimensions fix the sewage is out but the stones NEEDED some how Nana, a constant difference and skills game) 2.1 The Party Started Lee Se-dol laid two stones, if jindamyeon two countries is three kkalkko 2 Route 3 floor the station started four spread. 3. If

Provide against. NHN and K Go, Lee Se-dol vs handol powers that SBS sponsored, organized goes across all three countries. Come to open a twice played in 18 and 19 pm to 12:00 couture Dogok Tower Body Friend headquarters, the last three countries is scheduled to take place at 12 pm on the 21st at the El Dorado Resort is located in Lee Se-dol hometown of Jeonnam Shinan of nine. Solo Lee Soo-geun, talk-show guests scramble ... "Lee Dong Wook is

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